My Mom Chose Life

There are so many things I am passionate about. But one thing that really stands out is LIFE. When I hear statistics about abortion it saddens me. So I started a new photography project.

I am thankful that my mom chose LIFE…

If she hadn’t this world would be so different. Some people would have never hear about Christ. Some would never have laughed at my poor jokes. There would be one less light in this world. And if she wouldn’t have chose LIFE, then I wouldn’t have had the option to choose LIFE.

The world wouldn’t have Jadelyn…

I am glad I chose LIFE for my daughter. If I hadn’t we would be missing an aspiring paleontologist. A girl who one day wants to write novels. There would be no questions that need answering.

The world wouldn’t have Liliana…

I am glad I chose LIFE. If I hadn’t there would be one less horse lover. There would be no girl to look up to her older sister. There would be no girl who wants to be a fast soccer player! No beautiful stories of Tiny Tina to listen to.

The world wouldn’t have Scarletta…

I am glad I chose LIFE. If I hadn’t there would be no future track star! She would never have a chance to try and break the world record in the 100m dash. There would be no scribbles for me to hang on my fridge. There would be no hugs before bed.

The world wouldn’t have Rayvena…

I am glad I chose LIFE. If I hadn’t there would be no little girl to hum along with me as I sang. There would be no smiles first thing in the morning. There would be no daddy’s girl.

I am glad that I chose LIFE. Now I have given my girls the chance to choose LIFE.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Amy Anderson
    Jun 11, 2010 @ 18:56:35

    Sarah, the first thing I want to say is, “You have beautiful daughters!” And they are so blessed to have you as their mom!! God has birthed in you something incredible….He is going to use you in a BIG way….He has given you everything that you need to complete His perfect plan!! He is starting a “new thing” in people all around the world to reach many with “the truth” and bring them to Christ!! I will keep you in my prayers! ❤


  2. handsindelight
    Jun 11, 2010 @ 19:24:16

    I just want you to know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post! I will go down as one of my all time favorite blog posts. Amazing, beautiful….made me misty-eyed.

    I am a big, ol’ “pro-lifer” too….And, I am so happy that my mom chose LIFE and now, I have 3 beautiful kids to share with the world too.

    CHOOSE LIFE!!!!!!!!! You won’t regret it.


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